Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Some opinions on graphic design as a career

So far with my research, I am seeing that there are positives to be a graphic designer, although there are the obvious disadvantages such a work load deadlines and if your working freelance you may go a while with no work.  However the way the world is developing today with digital media in advertising, graphic design is getting more popular than ever and always developing, its one of the biggest businesses after finance.

Below is another article found on the web:

Graphic design is seen as a skill in today's world because its creating art on the computer. You need to know how to manipulate and use programs like adobe photo shop, paint shop pro, adobe photo elements and more. The disadvantage is that less and less people are drawing and using more tradition tools like a pencil and paper. This causes people not to be as skilled in traditional artworks as they used to be. Being able to draw and paint are important to graphic design because if you can draw by hand you can easily take your drawn designs and convert them into digital media. Also, with traditional works you are creating the artwork, your not manipulating the computer to create art. In the end of the day graphic design is the artwork that you manipulated the computer to make, and therefore is not as valuable in say ( a museum) as traditional work.

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