You can express your creativity.
Its a job where you get to express your creativity and yes clients may suggest designs but at the end of the day its still the designers idea
Variation of work.
You could one day be working on a mobile phone app and the next on a newsletter, there's so many things you can do and paths you can go down with graphic design so you get a large variation of work.
High demand.
According to research I have done, it appears that graphic designers are in demand, its such a big market because there is a lot of work out there.
You have the option to work for yourself and and there are many benefits in working this way: flexible working arrangements, more than one client etc
You can work anywhere.
As long as you have your tools with you: your computer you can work anywhere you could even work next to a beach on holiday!
You can learn on your own.
This is a big strength as you can teach yourself by watching tutorials online and on youtube
You will spend less.
Once you have the computer and software your there are no further costs - you can just send the printing bill to the client!
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